Doggy Photoz
PLEEEEEEZEEE send me piccys of your doggs so that i can add them here ( leve your name and your petz name Topz: HI! welcome to the petz snapz page! here im gona put up piccys of my friends and family! enjoy!
me and my g'frend Chris!
this is ma old friend Foxy, she was one mean pup!
He he remember the piccy on the frunt page? i this is an up to date version
flyin mixy
wihskamons firs pet spot
yes!, it is a real dog!
me, my g'frend and one of our pups!
beehtoven playin hidn seek
rustys new tric!
how wierd is this!? i got it from the adoption center, its a real dog! not hexed
wishkmaon's sis took this piccy of blaze
blaze and her bro flames
spot, you know i love you and all, and that bone is to big for you...
yeas, and the square route of h over 2 pied = the distance of the speed of time devided by.....
which one it the puppy!? thats right its the bigger one! rusty and her new puppy!
my girl friend Chris and our pup howlite
me and our pupy lapis
he what a show of, just coz he has a new pupy!
enuf of the camra wishkamon!
AGH!!!! the flash on that cmra made me jump!
Amy how cute, shes the newist jemstone
admit it wishkamon, your not the best photogropher are you!? (hey i look likt tigger!)
Isn't she just so cute!!!!! our new pup amethys (amy for short)
how cute